Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Australian infrastructure is in a mess after years of neglect and being starved of funds. We are now faced with a massive bill to fix the damage consecutive Labor and Liberal governments have caused. This can be confirmed by the huge increases in the cost of electricity and gas, insufficient water infrastructure and the inescapable humiliating truth of our health system around our capital cities and rural communities. For far too long taxpayers money has been squandered on schemes subservient to those that do not desire what is in the best interest of Australians, but rather what is in their own best interest.

One Nation calls for a new national scheme to fix the problem. One Nation’s policy of an Australian superannuation scheme would potentially raise billions and instead of investing Australian retirement funds in shaky foreign markets, we should be developing an Australian super scheme for investment in infrastructure. The government can borrow from the accumulated funds at an agreed rate of return and use the money to build new roads and rail, cure our ailing health and hospital system, implement water infrastructure schemes and finance new environmentally sound base load power systems. This would lower the cost of doing business and create new industries and export markets. Other benefits will include less reliance on imported food due to increased agricultural output and a greener economy due to less vehicle pollution and cleaner energy production.

Australia needs positive plans for our future instead of new taxes and pressures on the average household. We need to think out of the square and become the country our forefathers dreamed of and not just the shell of our former greatness. Labor and Liberal have lost direction and now make policy based on the whims of foreign interests. One Nation believes it is time for a change in direction for this great country of ours. We are asking no more from the media than to give us the same opportunities as afforded to Labor, the Coalition and Green parties, so we may offer to Australians their democratic right to be informed of their choice when it comes to the policies of political parties.

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