Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2010 election outcome

After claiming to be conservative independents and representing electorates that voted accordingly it is hard to believe that Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott would do a deal with the Australian Labor Party. Time will reveal the extent of the deal and the sweeteners that were offered to get the independents across to what One Nation believes is a coalition of socialism made up by the Labor Party and the Greens.
With this move to the left, Windsor and Oakeshott have confirmed to voters in their electorate their support of policies such as an ETS, open immigration and a globalist free trade agenda where everything is for sale to the highest bidder. Their claim of choosing sides based on the question of stability is laughable as we are sure Kevin Rudd still feels the pain in his back after being politically assassinated just prior to the election.
What also seems obvious is Liberal's arrogance in trying to push forward a new election rather than make a deal with the independents. They must surely feel that they have egg on their face for underestimating the intent of Tony and Rob to make a deal rather than give them another chance to win an election outright.
All in all the only positives One Nation can find in the long drawn out game of cat and mouse that has been played over the last 17 days is that maybe, just maybe we will achieve two things. One, changes to parliamentary conduct and how our politicians conduct themselves while they represent their constituents. Two, the fact the public has learnt just how much the major parties have taken the people of Australia for granted and the arrogance and lack of respect they have paid to the system in which they are elected to represent.
Regardless of the outcome One Nation will continue to fight for the rights of all Australians. We will continue to highlight the massive foreign buy up of our food production and the stupidity of the major parties in handing control of our water to foreign companies. One Nation will continue to promote the virtues of rebuilding our manufacturing and the negatives of free trade. We will not sell out our country by implementing policies based on winning votes and will stand by our ideology of a strong independent Australia, rather than becoming another faceless state in a global bureaucracy.

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