Sunday, February 27, 2011

Its time for a referendum on the carbon tax

One Nation calls for a referendum on Julia Gillard’s carbon tax. The Labor party and the Greens believe they have a mandate to introduce this oppressive tax on the Australian people by conveniently forgetting they only hold power due to the bribery of a couple of Independents. They do not and will never represent the voice of the silent majority but instead peddle policy based on their own agenda.

State Labor leaders have been working towards a carbon tax for years. Policy has been put in place with complete contempt shown towards the Australian people. The public have never been consulted nor have alternative plans been looked at. Where was the debate?

Many Liberals will support Gillard and her carbon tax because of their links to big business. Many are former members of international investment firms and the banks and these organisations are pushing the concept of a market based system as they can skim the top for massive profits.

One Nation questions why we need to tax the Australian public anymore when the damage is being done offshore and by big business. Governments target individuals because they are easy prey. Why not attack the problem at the source. We say tax the imports from countries that do nothing about pollution and use this money to build our own green manufacturing base. If you add this to rebates and tax incentives for adopting cleaner production and bigger fines for pollution then you have a more positive system.

One Nation also supports better infrastructure for our cities and improving public transport. This could be assisted by an Australians bio fuels industry and we can cut pollution as we remove our reliance on imported fossil fuels. Changing to Australian made E85 bio fuel would cut individuals carbon footprint by up to 56%.

We challenge the major parties to put this very important issue to a vote and see once and for all what the Australian people want. Will the major parties have the courage to do this and come up with a more positive alternative? If the GST, deregulation of agriculture and the selloff of public owned infrastructure are any indication then we will see more of the same, an arrogant disdain shown towards the rights of our countrymen and a continued erosion of our democratic rights.

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