Thursday, March 10, 2011


One Nation stands opposed to the economic bastardry that is to be served cold to the Australian people in the form of a carbon tax. While Australians will be affected by price increases, job losses and the further decline of Australian manufacturing there will be no impost on foreign manufacturers at all. They will continue to buy our coal and pollute our planet at an unprecedented rate. The Liberal Party claims to stand opposed to a carbon tax but there are many amongst them who support this agenda as many of their elite backers are set to gain a massive windfall if carbon trading is implemented. There have been no guarantees that an alternative scheme would not be raised in the future by the Liberal Coalition, only the usual opposition rhetoric that goes with the two party system.

To add insult to injury many of our coal mining companies and assets are being snapped up by Indian and Chinese companies. They all boast how they are going to massively increase the amount of coal going offshore to their homelands. Back to countries that will never implement a carbon tax and who will find it a whole lot easier to sell their goods in Australia when there is no local manufacturing left, as they all have been sent broke or offshore by Gillard’s tax. So while politicians and their media entourage draw attention to issues like immigration and boat people, calling One Nation out of touch and divisive, they are only drawing voter’s attention away from the real issues facing Australians. One Nation believes they should remember the old saying “that if you point your finger at someone there is usually three pointing back at you”, for how could anything be more out of touch and divisive than a massive tax on everything based on fraudulent science and driven by political ideology and a covert agenda.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't believe that "Climate Change Deceivers" are getting so much press. This is possibly one of, if not the biggest lie ever told (and we are at least told, believed) in history. The US has completely lost control of their government as has most of the world. The US & UK Governments are completely corrupt and ours is close to joining them. Everyone is fighting everyone else for oil. Banksters are using their political might to make the poor pay for the indiscretions of the rich, destroying the middle class. Its pure folly and it’s only going to get worse with crap legislation like "Carbon Tax" that will crush our economy for "zero world gain" Has the whole world gone mad?, where the fu^k have all the thinking people gone? We commit heinous atrocities against each other in all levels of society in the name of peace. In Libya we are killing the killers to stop the killing, but we are not just killing the killers. The Americans have a name for it, collateral damage. Gates says “we have more tools in our bag other than hammers” well if that’s so, let’s see them? We are living in a period of fear, seems that the more we advance, the more we fear. We fear losing "our stuff", the politicians fear losing their "stuff" to the point of guarding it like rabid dogs with only one thought in mind. They no longer think about the best interests of the nation. Sure they say it, but it’s not what we see and feel. Decay is a slow but sure thing as relentless as the tide. If we don’t do a little character maintenance along the way we will all slowly succumb to its unending barrage. We have been paying scant regard to what the right thing to do is. That’s got to change if we are to survive as a species. We don’t need a book to tell us that, we already know. It is almost inconceivable that after all this time and through all the technical things we've achieved as a species, we still don’t understand ourselves and cannot understand something as basic as even the concept of peace.....
